Pantry + Marketplace (Pickup Only)
Pantry + Marketplace (Pickup Only)
Welcome to the Hello Pantry + Marketplace. We received a delivery of our base ingredients we create our donuts and other treats from just before we closed our doors. We’ve decided to open up the “pantry” for neighbors in our community and beyond to pickup high quality ingredients from us at 2557 Amber St while supplies last. We have the following:
Active Dry Yeast, $5: 42g (equivalent to 7 packets)
All-Purpose Flour (King Arthur), $5: 5LB Bag
Bread Flour (King Arthur), $6: 5LB Bag
Rye Flour, $5: 4LB Bag
Whole What Flour (King Arthur), $5: 5LB Bag
Order Notes:
These are pickup only. If you place an order, we will be in touch to solidify a pickup time. There will be several windows of availability next week (week of April 27)
Select the “TYPE” below to place your order
You will be asked to fill in a shipping address even though this is pickup only. Sorry about that!